A commitment to sustainability and rural development
Last friday, Dos Grados was present at one of the debate tables during the Interior Days organized by Jornal do Fundão in Alcaide. This event took place as part of the Festival dos Cogumelos and brought together experts and local companies committed to sustainable development and the promotion of the interior regions of Portugal, specifically in Beira Interior.
Luis Palacios, representing Dos Grados, shared the company’s vision on energy transition and rural development. During his speech, he highlighted how Dos Grados’ renewable energy projects, particularly its photovoltaic solar plant in Fundão, are designed to integrate sustainability and innovation while generating direct benefits for the local community. He also emphasized that these projects not only create jobs but also contribute to the protection of natural capital.
Dos Grados’ participation in such events reaffirms its commitment to a more sustainable and prosperous future for rural regions in Portugal.