Dos Grados collaborates in the Puertollano International Hydrogen Congress

Violeta Bellido, Head of Environment, moderated the round table on the regulation of hydrogen projects.

Dos Grados actively contributed to the celebration of the International Hydrogen Congress in Puertollano (International H2 Revolution Congress), sponsoring the round table “Regulation and processing of hydrogen projects”.

Violeta Bellido, head of Environment and Sustainability, moderated the session with the aim of explaining the challenges and opportunities presented by the regulation and processing of hydrogen projects in Spain, as well as best practices.

The experts who took part in the debate agreed on the importance of having regulations that are committed to a comprehensive and well-planned process to promote green hydrogen and its real contribution to the energy transition.

David Diez, from Watson Farley & Williams, addressed the impact of choosing one type of self-consumption or another on the processing and development of hydrogen projects.

Ignacio Grangel, from CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo, explained when it will be possible to inject hydrogen into the grid, as well as the procedure that will be required.

Carlos Mínguez, from Andersen, centred his speech on how territorial and environmental variables should be integrated into hydrogen projects.

Álvaro Sánchez-Bordona, from Allen & Overy, closed the round table by talking about the problems faced, from a licensing point of view, in dealing with new projects on a commercial scale.