We work to ensure that our projects have a higher final ecological value
“In addition to minimising the potential impact, for our projects we also select areas to which we bring greater final ecological value”
Areas of action
Our commitment and contribution to the sustainable development of local communities centres on three areas of work:
Natural environment
We develop our activities in accordance with strict environmental criteria and make our facilities compatible with the territory.
We monitor the conservation of biodiversity over time through exhaustive environmental assessment studies that allow us to adopt effective correction and compensation measures in all our projects.
We also apply supplementary measures aimed to improve the environmental, including the implementation of restoration and recovery plans for the flora and fauna native to each project.
We contribute to the fight against climate change and promote energy efficiency. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energies is essential to achieve this goal.
Environmental news
Dos Grados completes restoration work on the Pêro Viseu bridge
It is an important project to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the region Also known as Dos Moinhos bridge, the Pêro Viseu bridge is located over the Meimoa...
Dos Grados organises a reforestation day with students
At the Fundão solar plant, as part of the visual integration work Dos Grados has started an environmental reforestation programme in the vicinity of its 126.5 MW photovoltaic...